Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Living to be 150

Tonight, I watched a Barbara Walters special on living to be 150 years old. While I found all the information interesting, find myself shaking my head. For one thing, if we all live to be 150 (or 1,000, as one researcher so boldly said) this world is going to get awfully crowded and polluted. Sir Richard Branson was on The Late Late Show last night talking about sending people to Mars...maybe that would be the solution. (I know a few people I wouldn't mind sending to Mars!)

Also, there was a bit on the show about being frozen moments after death in hopes to be "woken up" in however many years it takes to find a cure for what killed them. People are paying $75,000 for this gamble. I know you can't take it with you, but you may as well spend it on something that is actually going to do some good in THIS life. Do these people not believe in souls? I'm pretty sure that something is going to happen to my soul after I die...it's not going to hang around in my used up body. There is just too much evidence (in my eyes) in some sort of an afterlife--a topic that Barbara didn't mention once in her special.

I think the saddest part was when a 100+ year old woman was caring for her 80 year old daughter, who was suffering from cancer. The daughter ended up passing away shortly after that bit was filmed. I don't know about you, but I don't want to hang around to watch all of my loved ones die (think The Green Mile--one of my all-time favorite movies). Even if science makes it so that it is normal to live past 100, not everyone is going to.

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