Friday, June 13, 2008

Storm Shots

I didn't take any of these pictures. They were found on KSAL, The Manhattan Mercury or The Salina Journal. I made the names of the locations that I found the pictures links back, so that you can see more. The devastation is unimaginable and humbling. We used to live in Riley and work/go to school in Manhattan. We looked at houses in Chapman. We used to live in Salina and Joe still works there. Any of these could have been us. My heart goes out to the people that are dealing with losses of their homes, businesses, and loved ones.





Ashley. Unscripted... said...

Oh my goodness! (((HUGS)))
How scary! Glad you guys are all okay.

Sarah said...

how scary!! glad you're okay-- we had wild storms yesterday, too!!

NancyP said...

Its been just awful this past week! How sad! I was devastated when I heard about that boy scout camp that was hit yesterday. Four boys killed----so tragic.