Tuesday, July 29, 2008

A Busy Two Weeks...

Did I already title another post with this byline? Ugh. I can't remember. Anyway, it's been two weeks since I've updated this blog, and a lot has gone on. I'll try to give you an update while still making it short and sweet. (You see my other posts, right?? LOL!)

First of all, Joe's great-grandmother passed away on July 14th. I visited with her often and really enjoyed being around her, so it is sad that she is gone. However, she was not happy in the nursing home and desperately missed her husband (he'd passed 3 years prior). In her last couple of days, she was unresponsive--so it was a relief that she finally left us. I sang, "Amazing Grace," at her service and put a slide show of pictures. Cousin Pam wrote a heart-felt and touching letter to Grandma and read it, also. It was a nice service. I wonder if that part of Joe's family will get together anymore since Grandma is gone. She was the reason that most of them continued to come to Salina every now and then.

On July 15-18th, we had the Ottawa County Fair. It was a tiny fair, but Nora really enjoyed it. There wasn't much that went on during the day, but it came alive at night. Nora LOVED looking at (and petting) all of the animals. We went to the parade and collected some candy. Joe rode in the ambulance in the parade, so it was exciting for Nora to see her daddy like that. We entered Nora in the Baby Contest, also. She was much more interested in all of the toys and balloons on stage than strutting her stuff. Needless to say, she didn't win. There was a stock tank just outside of the arena that caught Nora's eye after she walked across the stage. She went over and started splashing in it--tons of kids were soon to follow suit! Some of the parents weren't too happy about it, but it didn't bother me.

Nora and I went down to see my grandparents in South Haven, KS last Friday and returned home yesterday afternoon. We had a good visit and it was nice to see them. The last time we saw them was for Nora's birthday party back in October.

I think you are now officially caught up with us. Aren't you thrilled?!?!

*PS. I'm adding several new scrapbook pages and pictures to the slide shows to the right, if you are interested.

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